Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Man In Me: Becoming Jacob - Prologue – Tradition and Transformation

I knew I would die.

I mean, how could I not? How could this beyond-fathomable level of pain be possible for one person to endure and he not die?

I wanted to die. I willed- no- begged for the darkness, but it never came. I was very much alive.

The mixture of tears and blood and sweat and mucus intermingled in a pool in the sandy dirt and leaves inches from my mouth. I paid no mind to my dirty, raw knuckles and knees as I dug my fingers deeper into the dry, woodsy earth, trying in vain to alleviate some of the pain.

"Kill me! Please!" I half-growled, half-begged. It was a bit extreme, yes. Plus, I knew he wouldn't. None of them would- they were in on this whole thing. KEEP READING

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About AB+L

music enthusiast, burgeoning fic writer, lover of indian food, art and random oddities. jacob stan, fanfic-natic, shapeshifter enthusiast, obsessed with all things twi.

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