Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Man In Me: Becoming Jacob - Ch.1 - Celebration

I was close to the front, seated with A through C.

You know, for Black.

I said a silent thank you to my ancestors for having the foresight, however unrelated to this moment, to be named Black. After standing for longer than I'd like, it meant I could finally sit down.

Again, I fidgeted, trying unsuccessfully to wiggle my toes under the discomfort of my newly purchased shoes.

Shoes. The bane of my existence - those, and socks. Whoever came up with either of those inventions should be shot. I scanned the crowd and caught sight of the imp that had purchased the torturous shiny black pair currently constricting the blood flow to my legs.

"Jacob, you are so classless. Have I taught you nothing in all this time? I forbid you to wear those on one of the most important days of your life," she'd scowled, glancing at my old trusty leather flip flops. They'd become the closest thing to being barefoot, and that was just the way I liked it. KEEP READING

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About AB+L

music enthusiast, burgeoning fic writer, lover of indian food, art and random oddities. jacob stan, fanfic-natic, shapeshifter enthusiast, obsessed with all things twi.

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